Here Morgan is with her dance team coach Sarah Daley. We adore her and are excited for next year!
Mason participated in track again for his third year at Harmony. He was hesitant about competing this year. Both Jon and I encouraged him and told him that it's OK if you don't place first. (This was part of his discouragement last year!) We were all very excited to attend the meet since it was a beautiful day. The girls and I arrived on time and met Jon at the Stadium along with many friends from our neighborhood and ward! We cheered Mason on as Harmony placed third in the Tug-of-War. This would be the last event I saw him compete in!!! I was CRUSHED when I had to leave at 6 pm to go and teach my class! They told us that the entire meet would only last until 6 pm. I should have known that all fifth grade events would be last and that the relay is ALWAYS last! But no! I missed him place FIRST in the 100 meter dash!
Brooklyn, Lauren, Jackson, and Christian had a great time together.
I have now been on Four Kindergarten field trips to the Oregon Zoo! They have all been fun but this year the weather was amazing! Last week I took the bumpy bus ride to the Zoo (I rode in the last seat on the bus!) When we got there the teachers gave us free reign on the Zoo and we just took off! It was so fun and EASY since it was just me, Brinley and her BFF since she was born Kennedy Lake!
(Kennedy and Brinley often talk about how they have been friends since they were born! Stacey and I tell them that because I was there videoing the birth of Kenna and Brinley was also there because she was in my tummy!) We were able to see the entire zoo since my group was so small, eat lunch when we wanted and enjoy a sunny day together!
There are other things I did not include in this crazy month like three music performances, Pride Night, Honor Roll Assembly, Art Show Recognition and Hawaiian Day! I had to write a daily list for the next 10 days because it includes many more activities like pre-school graduation program, End of the year Carnival, three field days, Marimba Concert, Fifth Grade Graduation and Move-Up day! Whew! I will be excited for Summer Vacation! Right?
Mason also has LeBron's Jersey, t-shirt and a Cleveland Cavaliers hoodie also purchased at the NBA store! (I think I spent the most money at this store last summer even more here than at the American Girl Store! It was an awesome store!!!)
I just recently got him this Cleveland Cav's pillow case to add ANOTHER pillow to his bed!
Shoot Fouls:
And score many, many baskets!
Sadly both the Cleavland Cavaliers season is over and so is Mason's season! We are proud of him and his accomplishments and are looking forward to another great year next fall! (Pictures compliments of Jalynn Jackson Hansen! Thanks Linny I love them all!)