On Sunday we went to church, relaxed, ate, and Monique and I even did a little crafting! Our weekend quickly ended and I had to say goodbye to my Best Friend early Monday morning!

37. Decorating
38. Playing Games
39. Fall
40. JON!
She was very specific on her Breakfast: bacon, Orange Julius, toast, and an omelet with sausage, cheese, avocado, and cottage cheese. It turned out rather large and she only ate a third of it! She then opened her family gifts and played all morning! Brinley wanted to have a gymnastics party at the gym where she takes classes. The party was very affordable and I didn't have to do anything! The girls' had cake, ice cream and presents in the party room in the beginning!We then headed out into the Gym for the remaining hour to play!!! They all had a blast. I was trying to run around and get as many photos as possible. Each of the kids took turns jumping on trampolines, flipping into the foam pit, swinging on bars
twisting on the trapeze, twirling in the triple swing
playing in the obstacle course, walking on the beams, and the rope zip line!
The best part was when Brinley was harnessed into the Sling Shot! It was crazy! Helen(the coach) pulled her back as far as the elastic bands would allow
and then she would just let her go and Brinley would go flying through the airShe was up high and I was a little nervous and I think she was also, but after one time she didn't want to stop, she loved it! A girl after my own heart! No fear!!!
It was such a fun place for a party! I think they all had a great time! This is all of Brinley's friends and Helen the coach!
Naomi Brown, Brinley, Coach Helen, Kennedy Cannon, Kennedy Lake, Sydney Morgan, and Jessica Bruning. Mason, Brooklyn and Maddie also came to the party but were having too much fun to be in the picture!
The rest of her day was spent playing with her new presents from her friends, going out to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes with the family, and a rousing game of Candy Land to end the evening! As I tucked her in last night, I snuggled with her and told her about the day when she was born. It was so fun and I love that she is still little enough to hold in my arms! We love you Brinley and hope you had a Happy Birthday!
At age Seven (this is mostly for my journaling purposes)
Brinley is my very spirited child! She can be quite dramatic at times! She always has a smile on her face and can light up the room with it. All day long school has been an adjustment. She gets tired and if she doesn't get enough sleep at night she can be grouchy! She's my diddle daddler. She constantly needs reminding in the morning to get her lunch made, make her bed, and to get dressed. Her and Maddie share a room and love it! They usually play very well together! Morgan, Mason, and Brooklyn all want to dance and flip her around because she is so flexible! Morgan especially loves to play gymnastics with her and always wants to know what she did in class that day. She played soccer in the fall but loves her gymnastics class! She has lost only two teeth and asks me constantly if she needs braces. She's still very small for her age and probably weighs under 40 pounds (I don't exactly know b/c I have no scale). Her and Madelyn share almost all their clothes except for pants. She is developing some good muscles since she started doing gymnastics two hours a week. Morgan said just last week, "I can't believe her muscles, it's not fair!" She is always showing Jon her "Rocks covered with Skin (her biceps)." She told Jon six months ago that his muscles looked like Rocks covered with Skin, so that's a big joke around the house now! Her two best buddies are Rachel Zundel and Kennedy Lake. She also loves to be with her sisters and is still Mason's Honey! Brinley likes to ride her bike, jump on the tramp, play Pollies, Strawberry Shortcake and with her new DS. Her favorite foods are still strawberries, kiwi, broccoli, salad, and Sun Chips! She's one of my best eaters and will always try anything! We just love our little Brinley Jean Jackson and can't believe that she is already Seven!