Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What a Day!

Yesterday was a jam packed day in my life! These are the things that I accomplished:
made breakfast, lunch, dinner and cleaned up
vaccuumed my entire house
swept and mopped my floor on hands & knees
ran 3 miles and taught my weight class
watched a total of nine extra kids(4 morning/5 afternoon) including 2 babies! Baby Brody & Jaron
two loads of laundry
changed diapers and wipped bums
helped with homework
went to the school book fair
read books, scriptures and put everyone to bed by myself (Jon was at ward temple night)

I am trying to make up for last week. It took me a whole week to get back into the swing of things from my vacation. Part of this is due to the fact that I was out of commission for 24 hours with the flu. The only good that came from that is that I lost the weight that I gained on my cruise! I finished my jam packed day with 2 plus hours of reality TV: Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, and my favorite Biggest Looser!


Steph said...

Wow! What a day for sure! Thanks for watching my kids. I couldn't have gotten done what I did without you!

cjdustin said...

Sometimes it's great to list all the things you have done in a day just to feel like you accomplished something. Way to go "wonder woman"!!!

jrushing said...

Wow! That is quite a lot of stuff! You go girl! Which run are you doing in Sept? I think Sept will be perfect timing for me!

Anonymous said...

It makes me tired just reading the blog. Am I in anyway responsible for the insanity that drives us to superwoman statis?

Anonymous said...

It makes me tired just reading the blog. Am I in anyway responsible for the insanity that drives us to superwomen status?

Rebecca said...

After a day like that it is okay to sit home and eat bon bons, right? PS Love your blog!

Annie said...

You are going to love being my age. You think back and TRY to remember how it was to be super busy and involved with your children. And then you weep, and wish it wasn't over!

The Frosts said...

Snort! I am dying laughing over mom's comment. No, no, not responsible at all. Heh. Yeah, this list made me tired too. Way to go!!