Friday, January 11, 2008

New Goals for the New Year!

I was tagged about 10 days ago from my friend Christy. She challenged us to write down 7 things that we learned in the year 2007 and 7 goals that we want to accomplish in the New Year! I have been pondering what my new goals would be so here's my list:

1. Drink more Water!!! Since I've had number 5 I have been driven back to my diet cola habit that I acquired in college. I love Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Pepsi with Cherry, and of course Diet Coke. I often tell my self that I can have one in the afternoon after I have had 32 oz. of water but sometimes just skip the water and go straight for the caffeine.
2. Try not to stress out so much when my house isn't spotless!
3. Run a half marathon! This is going to be a big stretch! But something to work towards!
4. Read the BOM with my entire family. This is a challenge from our Stake President and we are doing great so far! It is definitely hard when Maddie and Brinley only want to jump on my bed while the rest of us try to concentrate! But we want to involve everyone.
5. Do better about my personal scripture study.
6. Find opportunities to serve more.
7. Strive to be a better wife and mother!

Seven things that I learned about 2007 were:
1. How much I appreciate the little things that happen in my crazy life. For example: My children writing a story about me being their hero, Maddie talking in sentences, Brinley telling me daily how she loves me, and singing to them nightly their favorite song "Sandman".
2. Realizing what a great stage in life we are at right now. Having a built in babysitter, over the baby stage and soon to be done with diapers forever!, and having a pre-teen that still thinks I'm cool! Things are pretty great and I am blessed!
3. Having my husband be our general contractor for our new home saved us ALOT of money but was VERY hard.
4. Moving in the middle of the summer when all five kids were at home with me was SOOOO hard even if the move was across the street. But with the help of great friends we survived.
5. Realizing how incredibly sad I am that my sister moved so far away from me and realizing that we will probably never live next to each other again! It was a great year having her in the Seattle area.
6. Appreciating my healthy but aging body.
7. Learning that I don't ever want to be a single parent. Jon has been traveling a lot these past four months and I am so grateful for everything he does for our family and for me!


cjdustin said...

You have great goals! Good luck in 2008 I hope you achieve all that you want. I will try not to tempt you with caffeine but I am right there with you!

jrushing said...

Are you getting all spiritual on us? No caffine? I wish I wasn't so cheap...if I could I would have diet Dr. P every day!

Nicole Jackson said...

Julie I am not giving up caffine I am just trying to drink more water before I have to indulge into my DP. By the way I am drinking a fountain diet Dr. Pepper that Jon & I just picked up at 76 it is delicious!

jrushing said...

I see!! Then you will be sad to know that Albertson's was giving away 2 liters of Diet Dr. P yesterday! I can share if you come scrap at my house!!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your goal list. I can't identify with the caffeine thing since I never drink pop of any kind. But I think that's our generation! I, too, am trying to make the BOM a daily read. I love the book and am always glad to study it in GD. Please know that I am your forever cheerleader in any and all of your gentler/spiritual aspirations!

The Frosts said...

I love your goals too. And I love that I made your list (sob!!) Maybe someday we will live near eachother again. Or you can have a winter house here and I can have a summer house there. Sounds like a perfect plan to me.