Sunday, August 05, 2007

We're Exhausted!
Since Wednesday we have been working nonstop!!! It takes so much time to move, unpack, clean and everything that goes along with a move! Each night Jon and I have been averaging 4-5 hours of sleep. We've had so much help from friends, neighbors, and family. People have taken our children for us, had us over for dinners (I'm actually at a friends right now typing this post after she fed us a yummy dinner), helped us move, mowed our lawn, and are going to help us clean our old home this coming week. We are so grateful for great friends and family and can't express how much this help has been. We have a long way to go but we did spend our first night in our home last night. I have not moved my bathroom stuff yet, so this morning I had to walk across the street in my bathrobe to get everything for my shower. Hopefully in a week we'll be much more settled!

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