Cruddy Camping!
Two weeks ago we went camping. We planned this camping trip way back in February, not knowing that we would have just moved into our house. So the timing was cruddy. We first had to locate all of our camping gear in our cluttered garage. We spent one whole day getting ready to go on the camping trip and finally arrived to our camp spot at 10 p.m. We then had to get up early the very next day to cook our breakfast (shared meals and ours was first). Jon and some friends went to load our boat into the lake, just to tell me one hour later that our boat wouldn't start. The rest of the day was spent trying to get Maddie to take a nap in our tent while Jon entertained our other kids on our friends boat. Maddie & I didn't get on any boats or swim the whole weekend. The next day the weather was cruddy, so we packed up early to go home. We do these things mostly to entertain our children and they had a great time! (I also usually love camping but this trip turned out to be a big bust!) Both Jon and I were very bummed about the boat and still don't know what's wrong with it! I did get some fun pictures of Maddie.
This was her first camping trip since she has been walking and she loved every minute of it. We are so excited to do this all again (do you sense the sarcasm) this weekend!