Brinley's Birthday!!!
Well I am about a week late on her birthday post but I thought that it was still ok because it's within the same month! Brinley had a fun 4th birthday. She wanted bacon, cold cereal, and square cheese (American slices) for breakfast. She opened her presents from the family during breakfast. She got some items for our new kitchen, a new ballet outfit, and these cream sparkly shoes that she has been asking for. She then went to Build a Bear with grandma Jackson where she picked out this Hello Kitty. She named her Princess Birthday Kitty. I have never taken my kids to Build a Bear so she thought it was great! For her birthday dinner she wanted to go to Red Robin (I think her older siblings helped her decide). I think she had fun there, but she was more interested in the game that lets you try to grab a stuffed animal with this big claw, then eating her dinner! I really think she only ate two bites! She kept on bugging Jon for a dollar so she could win the stuffed animal. Finally, Jon took her to the game and actually won a stuffed dog. Oh yeah, more stuffed animals! Today, a week later she invited two friends to goto JJ Jump. It's a place that has several air powered jumping structures. They are like the ones that people rent for parties for example blow up castles, and slides. It was super fun and the girls loved it. I was bummed because my battery pack to my camera died while we were there so no pictures!
Some fun facts about Brinley at age four. She only weighs 27 pounds only 1 pound more than Maddie. Size two pants still fall off of her (I'm glad that most pants now have the adjustable waist), although I have started to buy her size 3 because she is getting too tall for size 2. She is still pretty whinny at times. She still should take naps but only does about once a week because she has school and ballet. She started taking gymnastics this past fall but freaked out because she got a new male, russian teacher. So we are now trying ballet with a "girl teacher". She still adores Mason and wants him to sleep in her bed every night. Sometimes we cave in and they have a great time together. If he says no, she then asks for someone else. She loves to play dress-ups, pollys, and babies. She is a pack rat and I will constantly find little purses or gift bags full of all her little treasures. She's obsessed with bandaids and always thinks she needs to have one on somewhere. She is constantly telling me that she loves me and always wants to give me several kisses and hugs any time I leave or she leaves for school. Her favorite bedtime songs are " I love to see the temple", "I am a child of God", and "Where is Thumpkin". She loves any and every book we own. Her favorite Movies are Barbie Nutcracker, any Barney, and The Incredibles. Her Best Friend is Kennedy Lake. We are so grateful for our sweet little Brinley who is such a joy with those dark brown eyes and that blonde hair!