Our Best Surprise Yet!
Jon and I kept this secret under wraps for about six weeks! No one knew about this Birthday Surprise except for those that were involved. Not even my other kids, parents or our bestest friends!!! Jon and I both said to ourselves as we were driving home "Are we Crazy???" And we said "Probably!" In just a few days I will be finally sending ALL my children off to school for the first time and now I have a new puppy in the house! Wish me LUCK!!!
Congrats on the puppy...we got one in March and the kids absolutely love him - it is amazing the entertainment he provides so because of that it makes the occasional pee puddle on my carpet not so bad. Good luck with the new puppy. I had a lot of mixed feeling the first month but now I am glad we have him. And people say its like having another kid and in some ways it is but you cant lock a kid outside when you get frustrated with it :)
I'm excited for you! My kids can't wait to see him!
You are crazy! Now my kids are never going to let me hear the end of it - I guess I can always say we've already tried that...Best of luck. I am sure the surprise on their faces was Since it is Brooks Bday does that mean she is responsible for it?
Yikes! You are crazy. And I disagree with Dannielle--NO amount of joy from my kids would make a pee puddle worth it. Don't you ever listen to Joni???
Ahhh.. the pictures are SO cute. I love it. I will definitely be taking cues from you on the future of having a dog in our family. You know my kids are incredibly jealous!
Wait--who's birthday is it? Charlie's birthday??? It was so cute how the kids kept asking that and the hug Brooklyn gave you was priceless. Hopefully it will be worth it!!!
That is great, I thought it was fun to see it on video. Happy Birthday Brooklyn!
Crack me up! The No Dog Family has a DOG! :)
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