Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Third Year @ Billy!

We have been camping every summer at least once for the past twelve years! This summer WAS going to be the first year that we wouldn't be able to go camping. In years past we have always camped with friends'. This summer with everyone's schedules being so crazy we were having a hard time coordinating camping! Jon and I finally decided to just book something so we could take the family camping. So just three short weeks ago we reserved our campsite. For nine years we traveled up North to camp. We have very fond memories of camping at Anderson Island. But since we purchased a boat we wanted to do some camping that would involve boating and sunshine. There were many camping trips that were cold and rainy. Now our trips are hot and sunny! For three years now we have traveled South to Lake Billy Chinook, where the sun shines on the OTHER side of Mt. Hood. Sadly this being our first camping trip with just OUR family I got no pictures of us! Actually I got hardly any pictures of anything! Jon did take about 20 pictures of these dragonflies on a log that was floating nearby our swimming spot!

Each morning we would go on the lake early to Wake board. Everyone tried and succeeded. Brooklyn even got up for a short time. Morg, Mas, Cousin Emily and I all got in and out of the wake. Mas I think was secretively competing with Morgan because she got in and out of the wake first! We would eat our lunch at our favorite waterfall. The kids would swim, jump off rocks, and explore the waterfall. Jon and I would relax, enjoy the sunshine, and swim with Maddie!

The rest of the afternoon was spent tubing. Jon's a crazy driver and we all loved his tube rides except for Mason, a little too crazy for him! He ended up hanging with Maddie and taking a snooze together!The kids' wanted to play at the beach before dinner. They decided to have a Cake Boss contest! Both of the days' the teams came up with an idea and Jon and I were the judges. They had a great time and they were both creative. I'm so glad that we found the time to camp this summer! We squoze it in between Jon's two trips (His trip to Argentina and Scout Camp) We had a wonderful time creating memories with our Children!

1 comment:

The Army of Sork said...

I am so sad our camping days have become so few and far between! Sounds like you guys had a great trip - maybe next year we can reserve a weekend.